Electrical devices act – ElektroG

The ElektroG regulates the placing on the market, take-back and environmentally sound disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. Old electrical appliances that are no longer in use may no longer be thrown into the residual waste. Consumers are therefore legally obliged to return used electrical and electronic equipment. Waste electrical and electronic equipment can contain harmful substances that can damage the environment or health if not stored or disposed of properly. However, old electrical devices also contain important raw materials, such as iron, plastic, silver, glass, etc., which can be reused. Used electrical and electronic equipment must be disposed of separately at municipal recycling centers (ÖRE). Of course, you can also use the collection systems in our branch.

Which devices are affected?
Electrical and electronic devices such as climate computers, heating mats and cables, digital thermometers and hygrometers, gas discharge lamps, etc. The ElektroG applies to most electrical appliances that are operated using electrical current or electromagnetic fields and are listed in the categories of the current legal directive.

How are these devices labeled?
Products that fall under the ElektroG are marked with a crossed-out dustbin and may no longer be disposed of with residual waste, but must be returned to the responsible manufacturer or importer via the collection points of the ÖRE (public waste disposal authorities).

Obligation for consumers
Consumers may no longer throw appliances that they no longer wish to use into the residual waste, but are obliged to hand them in to the local authorities (ÖRE) for separate collection. Depending on the municipality, you can use the free collection points for this purpose.

ElektroG and ANTSTORE
ANTSTORE will fulfill or comply with the obligations arising from the ElektroG and in this context has checked all suppliers for the corresponding requirements for compliance with the registration obligation.

These requirements include registration with EAR (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Register) and the labeling of products manufactured in the EU and other products imported from third countries. ANTSTORE assures that all brands of electrical appliances offered here have been registered with the EAR foundation with a valid WEEE REG. Our own products are registered under WEEE Reg. No. DE 54590387

Return option in our ANTSTORE store
According to the legislation, the return of old electrical appliances is regulated by the municipal collection points. However, retailers also have the option of “voluntary take-back”, which ANTSTORE offers its customers!
When shopping in our store, ANTSTORE customers have the opportunity to return their old devices free of charge.

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