ANTCUBE Arena 60x30x60 with sliding door and 4x 50mm openings.
치수: 600 x 300 x 600 mm; 4mm glass thickness
Material: 플로트 유리
연결: 4x 50 mm hole (2x at the side and 2x at the front)
전면 개구부(슬라이딩 도어): 300×300 mm
설명: Our ANTCUBE arena 60x30x60 with sliding door was developed to be able to work comfortably even in full formicaria. It is also suitable as an extension to our arena with sliding door in 60x30x30. The difference is the new holes at the front to create additional ventilation or, if there is no space at the sides, to connect additional arenas with acrylic tubes via the front connections. They are particularly useful as a formicarium for weaver ants (Polyrhachis and Oecophylla), as they like to build upwards and need a host plant. Tree-dwelling species such as Tetraponera are also happy to have climbing opportunities. Sometimes it can be difficult to remove waste from the animals at the bottom of the formicarium, for example. This is not a problem with this specially adapted tank. The sliding door is also very practical for feeding tanks for Acromyrmex or Atta leafcutter ants, as plant remains and other waste can be disposed of easily. For the upper opening, a 60×30 break-out protection frame and a 60×30 arena cover with or without a larger ventilation area are also available separately.
참고: 유리는 DIN 1249에 따라 +/- 1mm의 허용 오차 범위에서 크기에 맞게 절단됩니다. 극히 작은 개미 종의 경우 추가적인 탈출 보호 장치가 필수적입니다.
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