Dimensioni: 283x237x19 mm
Materiale: Popcorn pressato con saccarosio e proteine
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Descrizione: This popcorn nest with prefabricated passages and chambers is perfect as a granary for Messor ants, for example, but also for other ant species that collect grains. It has a hole for access to the nest. The popcorn nest absorbs moisture and can shrink as a result, so deve essere sempre mantenuto asciutto. Messor barbarus accepts our ANTCUBE popcorn nest very well as a granary. Over time, the ants begin to expand the popcorn nest and eat their way through the nesting material.
Il nido di popcorn deve essere utilizzato solo per le specie di formiche che richiedono un'umidità minima o nulla nell'area del nido.
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