Everything you should know about ant evolution
Ketika kita berpikir tentang keanekaragaman hayati Bumi, serangga menjadi pusat perhatian. Faktanya, serangga menyumbang 55% dari seluruh keanekaragaman hayati-termasuk tanaman, jamur, dan bahkan kehidupan laut-dan 85% dari seluruh keanekaragaman hewan. Di antara serangga, semut memiliki tempat yang sangat menarik, berkembang di hampir setiap ekosistem di Bumi. Meskipun ada di mana-mana, sejarah evolusi mereka masih menjadi teka-teki. Dibandingkan dengan penelitian dinosaurus yang telah berlangsung selama 200 tahun, paleontologi semut merupakan bidang yang relatif muda, hanya sekitar 50 tahun. Mari kita telusuri apa yang kita ketahui sejauh ini tentang perjalanan evolusi semut.
Tracing Ant History: How Do We Study Their Past?
Unlike dinosaurs, whose bones can be unearthed on an afternoon hike, ant leave more subtle traces. Paleontologists rely on two key types of evidence:
- Fossil Imprints: These are two-dimensional impressions left behind on sediment or rock.
- Amber Specimens: Much like the captivating scenes from Jurassic Park, these three-dimensional fossils preserve ants trapped in ancient tree resin, allowing a detailed glimpse into their anatomy.

The rarity of these finds poses a challenge. Over 100 million years of ant history, only a few hundred fossils have been discovered—a stark contrast to the wealth of dinosaur bones. Still, these precious relics offer critical insights. Scientists analyze fossilized anatomy and compare the DNA of modern ants to identify links with their ancient ancestors.
Defining Ants: What Makes an Ant an Ant?
Modern ants share three anatomical hallmarks:
- Antena Siku
- A Petiole Waist, divided into one or two sections
- Metapleural Glands, though these are not active in all species
These features help scientists distinguish true ant fossils from other social insects like bees or wasps. Understanding this anatomy is key to unraveling their evolutionary history.
The Earliest Ants: Ancient Beginnings (140–168 Million Years Ago)
Ants first appeared during the Jurassic Period, sharing their world with dinosaurs and towering pines. Back then, they were rare and far less diverse. Early ants likely lived solitary lives, with primitive behaviors that predated the complex social structures we see today. Colonies may have contained only 10 individuals—hardly comparable to today’s sprawling colonies.
One of the earliest known ant families, Sphecomyrminae, dates back 100 million years. Interestingly, some members of this family, like Haidomyrmex, had vertically opening mandibles—functioning more like scissors—setting them apart from modern ants.

Scientists also hypothesize that ants share a common ancestor with solitary wasps. Both belong to the insect order Hymenoptera, which also includes bees. Their evolutionary paths diverged millions of years ago, but ants and bees remain close biological cousins.

Flourishing with Flowering Plants (100 Million Years Ago)
Roughly 100 million years ago, the explosion of flowering plants transformed ant evolution. As plants diversified, so did ants, adapting to new food sources and habitats. This period marked the rise of various ant groups, including:
- Leptanillinae: The oldest extant group, characterized by small, pale ants with a two-section waist.
- Poneroids: Predatory ants known for their hunting skills.
- Formicoids: A group including modern favorites like carpenter ants, leafcutters, and army ants.
The appearance of Formicinae ants—masters of defensive strategies like acid spraying—was another significant milestone. During this era, ants began dividing labor among castes, laying the groundwork for the highly organized societies we admire today.
Surviving the Cretaceous Crisis (65 Million Years Ago)
While the asteroid impact that ended the age of dinosaurs caused mass extinctions, ants emerged unscathed. Their survival is attributed to their subterranean lifestyle and dietary flexibility. This resilience allowed them to thrive in the post-dinosaur world, diversifying into even more species.
Ant Agriculture and Modern Dominance
- 50 Million Years Ago: Some ants developed agriculture, cultivating fungi as a food source—a practice still seen in leafcutter ants today.
- 12–8 Million Years Ago: Leafcutters emerged, creating a symbiotic relationship with their cultivated fungi, which depend on the ants for survival.
- 1 Million Years Ago: Fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) began their global conquest. Their success is attributed to polygyny (multiple queens per colony), rapid relocation abilities, and dietary adaptability. Today, fire ants are considered one of the most successful ant species.

Ant Diversity Today
Ants have not only survived but thrived, inhabiting nearly every landmass on Earth. Scientists have identified over 12,500 species, though the true number is likely much higher. In tropical regions, the biomass of ants outweighs that of all vertebrate animals combined. Their only limitation? A sensitivity to cold temperatures. However, many species have evolved clever strategies, like hibernation, to endure seasonal changes.
The Journey Continues
Despite their incredible success, ants remain a frontier of scientific discovery. Each fossil and DNA analysis adds a new piece to their evolutionary puzzle. From solitary beginnings to agricultural innovations, ants have carved out one of the most remarkable success stories in Earth’s history.One thing is certain: ants are far more than just industrious insects—they’re a testament to nature’s ingenuity.