Discovering the Fascinating World of Lasius niger ants

Welcome to the world of the Lasius niger ant! Belonging to the order Hymenoptera, family Formicidae, subfamily Formicinae, genus Lasius, and species niger, these ants are a true marvel of nature and we tell you why, here. 

Where to find Lasius niger ants?

Lasius niger ants, commonly known as black garden ants, are widespread across Europe, Asia, and parts of North America. They thrive in a variety of environments, from urban areas to forests and grasslands. You can often spot them in gardens, parks, and even between the gaps of paving stones in cities. These ants are highly adaptable and can establish colonies in diverse habitats, making them one of the most common ant species encountered by humans in the Northern Hemisphere.

How do Lasius niger ants look like?

Despite their name, Lasius niger ants are more brownish or grayish than completely black. They have distinct clearer stripes on their abdomens and a single form waist, known as the petiole. Their mandibles are often reddish, and the lower parts of their legs and antennas are lighter in color. These features make them easily recognizable to those who take a closer look. The workers are typically around 3-5 mm in length, while queens can be significantly larger, reaching up to 9 mm.

The mating flight?

The mating flight of Lasius niger ants, also known as the nuptial flight, is a spectacular event. During warm summer days, winged males and females take to the air in large swarms. This synchronized flight is triggered by specific environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity. After mating, the males die, and the fertilized females, now queens, shred their wings and search for a suitable nesting site to start a new colony. This event is crucial for the genetic diversity and expansion of the species.

The young Lasius niger queen?

A young Lasius niger queen can live up to 15 years, laying thousands of eggs throughout her lifetime. She establishes a colony that can grow to house thousands of worker ants. The queen’s primary role is to reproduce, ensuring the survival and expansion of her colony. During the initial stages, she cares for the first brood of workers herself, but once they mature, they take over the foraging and care duties, allowing the queen to focus solely on egg-laying.

How does a Lasius niger nest look like?

Lasius niger ants are skilled diggers, often creating their nests under stones or in the soil. In urban environments, they are commonly found between the gaps of paving stones. In less urban areas, they dig large cavities underground with small branching tunnels. Their nests are well-organized, with designated waste areas for storing corpses and a system to keep sick ants outside to prevent contamination. This organization helps maintain the health and efficiency of the colony, ensuring its long-term survival.

What does a Lasius niger ant eat?

These ants are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of substances. They are particularly fond of sugary foods like honeydew, which they collect from aphids. They also consume small insects, fruits, and plant secretions, playing a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling pest populations and aiding in decomposition. Their diet is diverse, allowing them to adapt to different environments and food availability, which contributes to their widespread presence.

Why Lasius niger is important for the environment and our ecosystem?

Lasius niger ants are vital to the environment. They help aerate the soil through their tunneling activities, which improves soil health and promotes plant growth. Their predation on pests helps maintain ecological balance, and their role in decomposition aids nutrient cycling. These ants are a testament to the intricate and interconnected nature of our ecosystems. By controlling pest populations and recycling nutrients, they contribute to the overall health and stability of their habitats.

We hope you enjoyed this journey into the world of Lasius niger ants! Their remarkable behaviors and contributions to the environment make them truly fascinating creatures. Next time you see these tiny workers bustling about, you’ll know just how important they are to our world.


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